Sunday, May 10, 2009


Money makes many; a saying well depicts the situation of the world today. Money gives you power, money gives you shower, money gives you girls while shower, money gives you shelter, money gives you respect, money gives you assets, money gives you many...

But there are few things that money cannot give you. You can buy beds using money, but not sleep. No matter how much you spend or ready to give, you cannot make few things get done with your hell out of money. You can buy hospitals using money, but not health. You can buy universities by money, but not education. You can buy people's using money but not a true loving heart. You can buy malls using money but not customers. You can buy wishers by money but not well wishers.

There are so many things that money cannot come near. Like mother's love, baby’s smile (not babe's smile but), father's care and lot more. Therefore, money doesn’t make many...

Bill gates once stated, "Money is nothing, but make sure that you make hell out of money before making this statement."

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